Privacy policy


Bluesky Supermarket, value and respect the privacy of customers, employees, job applicants, and suppliers. This Privacy Statement describes how Bluesky Supermarket collects, uses, shares, retains, and protects personal information, and the choices you can make regarding your personal information. All employees are responsible for following this Privacy Statement.


BLUESKY SUPERMARKET may collect personal information when you:

  • Purchase, order, return or exchange any of our products and services online or in one of our stores;
  • Request a copy of an invoice or electronic invoice;
  • Request a quote, product information or special order any of our products and services;
  • Contact BLUESKY SUPERMARKET customer service representatives or other employees by phone or in one or our stores;
  • Visit our websites;
  • Enter into a contest or respond to one of our surveys;
  • Make a credit application;
  • Apply for employment or accept employment;
  • Provide us with comments or suggestions; or
  • Are injured, suffer or cause property damage on BLUESKY SUPERMARKET premises.

BLUESKY SUPERMARKET may also collect personal information from public sources and from third-parties where permitted by law. 


If you use a debit or credit card for any of your purchases, BLUESKY SUPERMARKET transmits directly to our payment processor the payment card information necessary to complete each transaction. As a general rule, we do not collect or retain full payment card data. But we may receive from the processor, and retain for our records, some truncated form of the payment card data, which may be used to help locate a prior purchase in connection with a request to return an item or to provide a refund or exchange, as well as for analysis and to comply with laws requiring BLUESKY SUPERMARKET to retain financial records of its activities.

If you return previously purchased merchandise or request a refund or exchange, especially without a receipt, you may be asked to verify your identity and to provide your name and/or other identification information for our records. BLUESKY SUPERMARKET collects this information for loss prevention purposes, including the detection and prevention of fraud and theft.

Similarly, if you have made a purchase through our websites for pick up at a BLUESKY SUPERMARKET store, you or the person you’ve authorized to make the pick-up may be asked to provide your driver’s license or other form of identification at the store for authentication purposes – but we do not record or retain this information. This process is used for loss prevention purposes.

If you qualify for a tax exemption, BLUESKY SUPERMARKET will collect the personal information necessary to document the exemption and satisfy the applicable taxing authorities, as well as to help identify you and retrieve your tax exempt status when you make future purchases, so that you aren’t required to repeatedly provide the same information.

BLUESKY SUPERMARKET may conduct video surveillance and recording of its stores and other premises for security, loss prevention, and safety purposes, and to monitor in-store traffic patterns, customer counts and interests, and perform similar analytics. Where video surveillance is used, recordings are kept in a secure area. BLUESKY SUPERMARKET policies limit access to any video surveillance to appropriate personnel, such as loss prevention employees and management. Video surveillance recordings are routinely destroyed unless they are needed for investigations of an incident or legal proceedings.

If you telephone BLUESKY SUPERMARKET to make an inquiry, request information, provide a compliment, make a complaint, or for any other reason, BLUESKY SUPERMARKET may ask for personal information in order to assist you. For example, BLUESKY SUPERMARKET may collect your contact information so that it can later respond to you. BLUESKY SUPERMARKET may also ask for information about the product or service that you purchased or about which you have expressed an interest so that it can process your inquiry and provide you with an opportunity to learn about other products or services that may be of interest to you. Calls to or from customer service centers or other phone support lines may be monitored or recorded for quality control, training, security, and analytics purposes.



When you visit BLUESKY SUPERMARKET websites, BLUESKY SUPERMARKET may provide you with the opportunity to become a registered online user, but will not require that you register. Similarly, you may choose to register for BLUESKY SUPERMARKET membership programs. If you register, you will be asked to provide limited contact information and you may also sign up for e-mail newsletters. BLUESKY SUPERMARKET may use third party companies to authenticate and validate the information you provide to BLUESKY SUPERMARKET. Your registration information may be merged with additional information we already possess or information provided by the third parties to enhance our marketing efforts. The information you provide while visiting BLUESKY SUPERMARKET websites may also be combined with marketing research from internal and external sources and may be used to determine informational and shopping preferences.

If you choose to purchase products online from BLUESKY SUPERMARKET websites you generally will need to provide the following information, and potentially other specific information, so that we can fulfill your order:

  • First and Last Name
  • First and Last Name of person authorized to pick-up the product (if other than yourself)
  • Contact Phone Number(s)
  • Shipping/Billing Address
  • Email Address
  • Payment Information

BLUESKY SUPERMARKET requests a phone number in case one of our Customer Care representatives need to reach you. BLUESKY SUPERMARKET requests an email address because we may send transactional e-mails acknowledging receipt of your order and providing updates on the processing of your order, and potentially to request your feedback related to your shopping experience. You may also be given the choice of receiving future marketing e-mails or newsletters at the e-mail address you provide. Your order information will also be used to track and analyze shopping trends.

If you choose to apply on-line for employment with BLUESKY SUPERMARKET, the information you provide will be provided through the BLUESKY SUPERMARKET career portal operated for BLUESKY SUPERMARKET by CV Manager, which collects the information on BLUESKY SUPERMARKET’s behalf. BLUESKY SUPERMARKET collects your personal information during the employment application process in order to evaluate your application, perform consensual background checks, and to make hiring decisions.